What one Paper™ tutor wishes they knew before starting
Have you considered making online tutoring at Paper™ your next career move? Or have you already onboarded as a new Paper tutor? Experienced tutor Kenna has some insights to share with you.
Read on for a healthy dose of confidence—no matter where you are in your tutoring journey.What every new or aspiring Paper tutor should know
Dear new tutor,
First off, you’re more prepared than you might think. Education involves more than simply being an expert in your chosen subject matter area. It’s also about being empathetic and helping students feel confident in their abilities. If you have an open heart and an imagination, you’re already doing great.
You’re also not alone. The Paper team will offer you the support you need. There’s always someone willing to help you reach your tutoring goals. The tutors you’ll be working with are kind and courageous. They stand up for what they believe in, and they’re not afraid to take action and make things right! It’s amazing.
No one knows everything there is to know about their subject matter or about pedagogy as a whole. You’re going to be constantly learning, and that’s something to look forward to! There are lots of resources you can access on Slack or on PAVE. Ask lots of questions and continue to learn as you go. Remember: You’re also a lifelong student, just like those you tutor.
Keep in mind that the students will make all of the challenging moments worth it. Building their confidence will likely be your favorite part of the job.
Lastly, take time to celebrate all of your successes—no matter how small. And remember to have fun with everything you do. Your students will appreciate a little humor.
Enjoy the journey!

Kenna, Paper Tutor
Paper supports students and educators in school districts by providing unlimited 24/7 multilingual live help and essay review.
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