Watch: Phil Cutler, CEO of Paper, Talks Remote Learning on Global News
This morning, Global's Kim Sullivan interviewed Paper's CEO, Phil Cutler. The two talked about the implications of recent school closures: How many students are turning to remote learning and e-tutoring platforms, and how our team at Paper is at the forefront of this shift.
With recent school closures, the buzz around remote learning has accelerated at an unbelievable pace, prompting parents and school administrators to seek solutions. Kim asked Phil how Paper fits in to this ever developing narrative:
"We've always sort of been in that domain, so for us, we've been prepared. We've always expected schools and districts and parents to come around to it, but in the last two weeks, it's accelerated faster than any marketing we could've done, that's for sure", said Phil.
Phil explained that some schools are very prepared for the shift to remote learning and teaching, while others are remarkably behind. This is a concern for Paper as it ties directly to our mission of equity in the education system.
There are a lot of tools that exist out there to support individual families that have the means, that can afford to have a private tutor. For us, we actually partner with the school boards or the school district, and then they open it up to all students to get access to a private tutor via Paper.
While the time frame for school closures is unclear, one thing is for certain: It is important that learning continues, and that young minds are as stimulated as possible.
That is why at Paper, we’re making sure we do our part in supporting students, families and educators at this time. Our team is currently working towards providing free webinars, tutor Q & A sessions, and resource kits for the coming weeks.
Whether you're an educator, parent, or student, keep an eye out on our Twitter for updates on everything from our remote teaching webinars, to our 'Ask me Anything' sessions with our live tutors.