#Suptchat Recap: What Will We Keep From Recent Innovations in Education?
In case you missed the #suptchat on Twitter last night, the Paper team is here to provide you with a comprehensive wrap-up.
Over the course of this year, the pandemic has spotlighted gaps in our education system. In a short amount of time, our system has undergone drastic transformation—changes that would normally have taken decades had to be made at a record-breaking rate.
Educators now have to think: What have we done in the pandemic that we want to continue doing post-pandemic?
This was the focus of this month’s #suptchat—What's Working & What Will We Keep From Recent Innovations in Education?
Hosted by Michael Lubelfeld, Nick Polyak, and special co-host and AASA President Dr. Kristi Wilson, participants came together to exchange perspectives.

Q1: If you could go back to March 2020, what advice would your current self give your former self?
Some golden nuggets of advice included:
- Compassion (to oneself)
- Collaboration with peers
- Invest in Zoom
- Sticking to your core values
- Fight against inequity
- Maintain and build relationships
Q2: What are your teachers doing this year that is working well for students?
Over the last year, teachers have embraced technology in new and creative ways to engage and support students. #Suptchat participants gave them some well-deserved recognition:
Q3: What are your support staff members doing for students that is working well?
Throughout spring, summer and fall, support staff members have stepped up and taken on responsibilities outside their regular duties—all to ensure the wellbeing of their community. They have been key in implementing new initiatives, distributing key resources, and even filling in for teachers when needed.
Q4: How will teaching and learning look differently in 2021 based on what you have learned so far during the pandemic?
This was a question that no educator can resist weighing in on. After all, every day has looked different from the last in 2020.
Below are just some of the many responses garnered for Q4:
Q5: What technological tool or strategy should endure post-pandemic?
Out of necessity, educators have rapidly leveraged technology and this has come with new opportunities to conduct meetings online, deliver lessons and services from afar, and engage and support parents at home.
In future decisions for schooling, many will be keeping in mind the benefits and efficiency of digital tools:
#Suptchat participants also mentioned the opportunity for more flexible and personalized learning paths for students:
Q6: What advice would you give to a new teacher or administrator starting in the pandemic?
Becoming a teacher or administrator during a pandemic is no easy feat. Luckily, there is no shortage of guidance, knowledge and support in the #eduTwitter community.
Q7: As a leader, how have you evolved/grown during this pandemic?
The communal hardship of educators across the nation has fostered a profoundly supportive environment—leaders are collaborating more than ever before.
But some things haven’t changed—student wellbeing is still the guiding force for educators.
Q8: In what ways have your students shown growth, resiliency & creativity this year?
The silver lining of this year’s challenges is the undeniable opportunity for character growth for students. #Suptchat participants proudly shared examples of this:
Finally, some concluding remarks from the moderators:
For more, follow @PAPERLearning on Twitter. Click here to see the entire #suptchat!