Fulton County Library System Launches Unlimited 24/7 Academic Support
The Fulton County Library System partners with Paper, the leader in personalized online learning.
This grants students in Atlanta Public Schools and other library cardholders across thirty-four libraries in Fulton County free academic support.
With many districts starting the academic year with full-time remote learning, the need for flexible and personalized online supports for students has only increased. In partnering with Paper, the Fulton County Library System is helping close the divide between those who can afford private tutoring and those who cannot.
Gayle Holloman, Executive Director of the Fulton County Library System, said:
"The Fulton County Library System is very excited to begin offering Paper to library patrons this summer. This new online tutoring resource will allow the Library System to support students, families, and teachers as they continue navigating this virtual world of homeschooling and virtual learning during COVID-19, with the resources and support they need from their public library. We look forward to seeing the impact on student success as Paper begins providing services to our library cardholders."
What drew the Fulton County Library System to Paper is that it is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week and that it is through an unlimited, site-based, fixed price model. The Library System can encourage more usage without fear of an increased total annual cost, thus not having to limit students' access to quality academic support.
Through CARES Act funding, the Fulton County Library System was able to fund the program which will be implemented for the 2020-2021 academic school year.
[Paper] will allow the Library System to support students, families, and teachers as they continue navigating this virtual world of homeschooling and virtual learning during COVID-19.
Through Paper’s remote learning platform, students are provided unlimited 24/7 access to online tutoring in any subject from a fully vetted Paper educator, and essay review with annotated feedback within 24 hours. Through Socratic instruction methods, students are guided through concepts to find the answers on their own.
Teachers in Paper’s partner organizations have reported seeing an increase in students’ grades since using Paper, and many students have reported feeling more confident with their school work.
At Paper, we are committed to helping district leaders effectively transition into fall schooling while meeting the growing needs of their students and teachers.