Paper is Key Part of Pasadena Unified School District’s Back-to-School Plan
Pasadena Unified School District partners with Paper to provide their students with unlimited 24/7 academic support this school year.
What initially began with Paper providing online tutoring access for 550 students in an after-school program is now a district-wide partnership for all 8000 middle school and high school students.
When considering instructional supports through an equity lens, the PUSD leadership was driven to bring Paper into their schools.
Helen Hill, Director of Curriculum, Instruction & Professional Development at Pasadena USD, said:
... This would be a time like no other, where you can talk about individualized attention, where we can help stretch the bandwidth of our teachers to reach their 150+ students.
“This isn't about "We feel sorry for certain children," or "We don't think certain children can do this or that, and need help"; it's that every child has a learning progression, and we need to be able to meet them where they are,” said Helen.
“And if I don't have the time because of the complexity of my content and the number of kids I have on my roster, then I want somebody else who is well-trained to [help them], at the time that they need it. So that's really what we were drawn to, with Paper,” she added.
Watch Helen Hill explain what drew Pasadena USD to Paper:
With Paper, districts grant unlimited tutoring access and essay review to all of their students for a fixed cost. Last year, Paper provided more 1-1 tutoring sessions to California students than any other state.
At Paper, we are committed to helping district leaders effectively transition into fall schooling while meeting the growing needs of their students and teachers.