Paper™ is set to elevate student success in Illinois community
At Jersey Community Unit School District (CUSD) 100, learners in 11th grade are getting a leg up when Paper™ comes to their community.
The district—which is headquartered in the Metro East city of Jerseyville about 45 miles north of St. Louis in Illinois—has acquired 214 Paper licenses, granting 24/7 academic support to eligible students.
Jersey CUSD 100 Superintendent Brad Tuttle believes that round-the-clock support will help learners stay on top of their studies.
“Students can access a tutor 24/7 and not have to wait until the next day to get assistance,” said Tuttle.
“The benefits of having a tutoring partner such as Paper for Jersey CUSD 100 students include, but are not limited to: individual learning experiences students will receive from a one-on-one tutoring session; the ability to have access to a content specialist while on a bus traveling to an extracurricular event; or being a high-achieving student who can [now] get the assistance they need—when, before, this would have been outside the expertise of their family or peers.”
— Brad Tuttle, Superintendent, Jersey Community Unit School District 100, Illinois
Tuttle believes that extra support from Paper could also help students thrive in areas beyond their academics.
“Having a resource like Paper tutoring also allows for students’ self-esteem to increase and better study habits,” said the superintendent.
Looking for more information about how Paper can help students in your area excel? Write to us today, and we’ll get in touch right away.