Ebook- K-12 leadership guide: 8 priorities for 2023
Teachers talk: The best strategies to drive student motivation
Many teachers thrive off of facilitating lively discussions and ...
Teacher Tips
Teachers share the tangible—and intangible—rewards of the job
Teaching is many things. For instance, it can be a calling, a craft, ...
Leadership Voices
Responsive strategies for the teaching of literacy
Just as the teaching of literacy empowers students to learn deeply ...
How does reading aloud help students to develop literacy skills?
If you happen to find yourself in a family home or an elementary ...
Teacher Tips
In-class activities for building literacy in the early grades
Building literacy in the early grades can set students up for a ...
Teacher TipsEbook- K-12 leadership guide: 8 priorities for 2023
7 tips to blend game-based activities with other teaching strategies
What if everything in the classroom was a game?
Teacher Tips
The role of video games in education: Tips for teachers
As a teacher, how would you describe your attitude toward video games ...
Teacher Tips
Game-based learning activities by grade level
You wouldn’t hand a kindergartener a trigonometry textbook and then ...
Teacher Tips
Universal design for learning principles: Providing multiple means
Every teacher has a unique approach to their craft, but all dedicated ...
Academic Support
8 inspiring Pi Day activities from educators who make math fun
They may not involve trick-or-treating, heart-shaped candies, or ...
Academic Support
How to incorporate exit tickets—and Paper™—into your classroom routine
Looking for a way to take a temperature check on student progress so ...
Academic Support
Resource roundup: Daily warmup activities to try with Paper™
Helping students jog their memory isn’t always easy. Fortunately, ...
Academic Support
What is college and career readiness? Pointers for educators
Educators do more than help students navigate the core academic ...
Teacher Tips
5 ways to support student-centered learning projects with Paper™
When you ensure students are at the center of their learning, ...
Teacher Tips
What teachers gain from student-centered learning
For adherents of student-centered learning, it may seem fairly ...
Teacher Wellness
10 student-directed learning exercises to try with Paper™
Most of us don’t enjoy feeling like all of our choices are being made ...
Academic Support